Cancellation Policy

Cancellation before shipment :

If the order or the item(s) that you want to cancel have not been shipped yet, you can write to our us on [email protected] or call us on 9004318369 .

Returns, Replacements, and Refunds

How do I return an item purchased on EVAS HAPPY CREATIONS?

We do not accept any returns once the product is purchased until unless the product delivered is defective/damaged or not as per the order placed.

If the product delivered is damaged/Defective/Not as per the placed order then

  • Step 1: Contact our Customer Support team via email ( [email protected] ) within 24 hours of receiving the order.
  • Step 2: Provide us with your order ID details and your request to return/replace/refund your order depending upon the availability of the product. Kindly email an image of the product , pre video shoot before the opening of the parcel and the invoice for our reference.
  • Step 3: The customer will have to make sure that the refund will only be initiated from us only if the products are received in their original packaging with their seals, labels, and packaging intact. It is a customer's responsibility to return us the unused products.

Which are the items that cannot be returned/exchanged?

Returns will not be accepted under the following conditions:

  • Product is damaged due to misuse/overuse
  • Returned without original packaging including, price tags, labels, original packing, freebies, and other accessories or if original packaging is damaged
  • QR code is tampered with.
  • Defective products due to negligent customer handling.
  • Product is used or altered
  • If a request is initiated after 24 hours of receiving the order
  • Free product provided by EVAS HAPPY CREATIONS
Please note: For certain marketing campaigns or mega sale periods, special return/exchange/refund rules may apply. Information regarding may also be visible on the promotion banner. All Combo orders or Gift items are not eligible for return or exchange. For any clarification, please feel free to contact our customer care.

Do I have to return the free gift when I return a product?

Yes. The free gift is included as a part of the item order and needs to be returned along with the originally delivered product.

Can I return part of my order?

Yes. A return can be created at item level and if you have ordered multiple items, you can initiate a return/replacement/refund for any individual item. However, any product being returned needs to be returned in full including all components as well as any complimentary gifts or products which came along with it.

How will I get refunded for the returned orders and how long will this process take?

In case of a return/replacement/refund, please contact us for the refund process on [email protected] or 9004318369 .